Imagine a nation of people under a prison sentence because of their inability to adhere to the laws, statues and protocols written for them to sustain themselves as a sovereign nation. The probationary period was given to this nation as a benchmark to establish a covenant, land treaties, commerce, and complete autonomy from any other ruling governments. We failed to comply with the written statues and we did not comply with the code of conduct.
So, as a result an assessment was done to determine the risk of recidivism and it was determined that the probability of re-offending was inevitable! Circumstances suggested that we were culpable and our intentions were premeditated, as a result, we were sentenced to an extended period of years in exile, dispersed among all the foreign nations, removed from our borders, our language and our culture.
Sentence of Imprisonment Terms:
- Our children would be sold as slaves, families dispersed,
- Our agricultural commerce destroyed.
- Our treaties and alliances with other foreign nations dissolved!
- Our monetary sovereignty disseminated,
- Our wealth would be distributed globally among the other ruling nations,
- Our nation’s artifacts seized and confiscated.
- We would be transported in ships as cargo, to be sold as commodities.
Psychological Imprisonment terms and affects:
- Our men would abandon their families, and the women would be angry toward their children.
- We would be called by a byword as identification (niggers, coons, porch monkeys).
- Our youth would be a menace to the old and hang out on street corners.
- Husbands would witness the rape of their wives; wives would be treated as property,
- Mental illness would be a burden to this nation.
- We would be the largest population in the prison systems.
- Another nation would assume our identity to provoke us to jealousy.
These are just a few of the terms of our imprisonment, while in exile. The conditions of these terms have changed because of good behavior and the laws of the established governments wherein we are scattered; we have been extended certain privileges, however, the completion of the sentence is approaching.
The restoration of our nation includes some of the following:
- An obligation to honor the terms of the covenant and promote public awareness, to restore and protect the theocratic monarchy:
- The acknowledgement of the true ethnic lineage, by restoring and repairing the blindness of our people.
- The restoration of the royal family, from all over the world living in captivity:
- The gathering and returning back to our land, the protection from world war III.
- The restoration of the physical and mental health of our people:
- The selection of a few chosen to promote nation building to prepare our people for the return.
Who is this nation, and who imposed such a harsh sentence?
They are known as the African Americans, descendants of the transatlantic Slave Trade!
We are scattered worldwide!
(YHWH) The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
By: YahEena Yisrael